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Examination Information

Examination Information

The examination consists of 150 multiple choice questions from twenty-four categories identified from a role delineation/task analysis conducted by the NRRPT Board and Panel. Four hours are allowed for the examination. Contents of past examinations are not released.

The following knowledge category listing has been developed to assist candidates in preparation for the exam.

  • Mathematics   
  • Unit Analysis and Conversion           
  • Physics           
  • Basic Atomic and Nuclear Physics    
  • Sources of Radiation 
  • Radioactivity and Radioactive Decay
  • Interaction of Radiation with Matter 
  • Biological Effects of Radiation         
  • Radiological Protection Standards    
  • ALARA         
  • External Exposure Control    
  • Internal Exposure Control     
  • Radiation Detector Theory    
  • Counting Errors and Statistics           
  • Dosimetry      
  • Contamination Control          
  • Airborne Radioactivity Control         
  • Radioactive Source Control   
  • Environmental Monitoring    
  • Work Control/Job Coverage  
  • Radioactive Material Control
  • Radiological Incidents and Emergencies       
  • Decontamination        
  • Radiological Instrumentation and Sampling Equipment       

For a detailed listing of knowledge objectives - click here.

We believe that it is advantageous to develop a plan for exam preparation and to approach the exam in an organized manner. Some suggestion for taking the exam are listed below:

  1. Budget your time so that you are answering approximately 40 questions each hour.
  2. Start at the beginning of the examination and work through it in sequential order, answering questions you are sure of. Save the difficult ones for the end, making sure you don't get your answers out of sequence on the answer sheet!
  3. Read each question and answer carefully
  4. There is no pentalty for wrong answers, so make sure you answer them all.

Suggested Study Material - USA

A list of suggested study material has also been prepared to assist candidates in preparing for the USA exam. Note that this is not a complete list of reference material for all the questions in the NRRPT exam bank. It is a list of readily available material commonly used to many successful exam applicants to prepare for the exam.

  • Cember, H. 1996. Introduction to Health Physics, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill.
  • Gollnick, D. 2011. Basic Radiation Protection Technology, 6th edition, Pacific Radiation Corp. -- for a free copy click here
  • Johnson, T. 2020. Radiation Protection: The Essential Guide for Technologies, 1st edition, Pastime Publication.
  • Moe, H., et al. 1988. Department of Energy Operational Health Physics Training, National Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge, TN, ANL-88-26.
  • US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. 1970. Radiological Health Handbook, US Government Printing Office.
  • Turner, J E. 1995. Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Shleien, B (revised by). 1992. The Health Physics and Radiological Health Handbook, revised edition. Scinta, Inc.
  • Waite, D. and J. Mayberry.  2002.  “Problem Solving in Preparation for the NRRPT Exam,” 1st edition.
  • Walker, Parrington, and Feiner (revised by). 1989. Nuclides and Isotopes, 14th edition. General Electric Company.

The most recent revisions of:

  • 10 CFR 19, "Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections."
  • 10 CFR 20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation."
  • 10 CFR 30, "Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material."
  • 10 CFR 34, "Licenses for Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Radiographic Operations."
  • 10 CFR 35, "Medical Use of Byproduct Material."
  • 10 CFR 835, "Occupational Radiation Protection," Department of Energy.
  • 49 CFR 100-199, "Transportation."
  • "Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections." , "Standards for Protection Against Radiation." , "Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material." , "Licenses for Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Radiographic Operations." , "Medical Use of Byproduct Material." , "Occupational Radiation Protection," Department of Energy, "Transportation."

Suggested Study Material - Canadian

A list of suggested study material has also been prepared to assist candidates in preparing for the Canadian exam. Note that this is not a complete list of reference material for all the questions in the NRRPT exam bank. It is a list of readily available material commonly used to many successful exam applicants to prepare for the exam.

  • Cember, H. 1996. Introduction to Health Physics, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill.
  • Gollnick, D. 2011. Basic Radiation Protection Technology, 6th edition, Pacific Radiation Corp. -- for a free copy click here
  • Johnson, T. 2020. Radiation Protection: The Essential Guide for Technologies, 1st edition, Pastime Publication.
  • Moe, H., et al. 1988. Department of Energy Operational Health Physics Training, National Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge, TN, ANL-88-26.
  • US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. 1970. Radiological Health Handbook, US Government Printing Office.
  • Turner, J E. 1995. Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Shleien, B (revised by). 1992. The Health Physics and Radiological Health Handbook, revised edition. Scinta, Inc.
  • Walker, Parrington, and Feiner (revised by). 1989. Nuclides and Isotopes, 14th edition. General Electric Company.
  • ICRP 60.
  • G-129 Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses "As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)".
  • CNSC Radiation Safety Data Sheets.
  • R-117 Requirements for Gamma Radiation Survey Meter Calibration January 1995.
  • R-116 Requirements for Leak Testing Selected Sealed Radiation Sources January 1995.
  • R-52 Design Guide for Basic and Intermediate Level Radioisotope Laboratories.

The most recent revisions of:

  • The Nuclear Safety and Control Act of Canada
  • The General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations
  • The Radiation Protection Regulations
  • The Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices Regulations
  • The Class II Nuclear Facilities and Prescribed Equipment Regulations
  • The Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations
  • The Uranium Mines and Mills Regulations
  • Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations
  • IAEA Safety Series 6

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Video of David Biela Explaining How the Exams are Built

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